Track the Project Timeline - Explore Station
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  • ThinkStation

    November 2019




    February 2020

    ThinkStation, an engagement programme led Network Rail and the Design Council, hold a national conversation where stakeholders from across the rail sector shared their ideas and developed a vision and principles for the future of railway Stations in Great Britain.
  • Re-Imagining Railways Competition

    July 2020




    May 2021

    Network Rail and the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) launch an international design competition inviting individuals, businesses and collaborative teams from the design, built environment and manufacturing industries to re-imagine what a station could become in the 21st century.
  • Design Development





    October 2021

    Edinburgh-based 7N Architects are announced as the winner of the Re-Imagining Railways competition and are commissioned to lead a design team of ARUP, LUC and Gardiner & Theobold to develop the HUB Station proposal.
  • ExploreStation - Design principles engagement





    November 2021

    The ExploreStation engagement programme takes the design proposals to the public, to test the design principles and ensure the HUB Station reflects the priorities of future users. Design Council partner with The Glass-House Community Led Design, Digital Urban and Commonplace to deliver ExploreStation - each being experts in different types of engagement.
  • Design development

    November 2021




    May 2022

    7N Architects and Network Rail work to incorporate feedback and insights from the ExploreStation engagement, as well as expert technical advice, to develop and refine the HUB station design proposals further.
  • ExploreStation Engagement - Delivering for Communities





    May 2022

    ExploreStation is asking for your feedback on the latest design iteration as well as ideas on how the 'community hub' will be brought to life through the HUB station's activity framework. Share your ideas here on commonplace or join one of our collaborative design workshops or virtual immersive experiences where you can explore and discuss the station proposals in even more detail.
  • ExploreStation Report

    May 2022




    September 2022

    Thanks for sharing all of your insights and Feedback with ExploreStation. The Engagement phase has now closed and we are working towards launching the final ExploreStation Report in Autumn 2022.
  • Detailed Design and Delivery Guidance

    Your views and ideas help shape Network Rail's station delivery guidance and ensure local station delivery teams can make the most of the opportunities the HUB station can offer. The proposals are refined further through technical detailed design and specification.
  • Station Delivery

    The HUB station design is a 'kit of parts' that can be used, or adapted to suit the needs and objectives of different locations and communities across Great Britain. When a new station, or station improvement is commissioned there is a local engagement process and development programme to understand and respond to local priorities.