Explore What People Said - Explore Station - Commonplace

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Explore: Inclusion and Accessibility contributions

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Mostly positive

over 2 years ago


Do you think this is a strong response to addressing the inclusion and accessibility feedback?


How confident are you that HUB is an accessible and inclusive environment, providing for a diversity of people and their needs?


Do you think the design makes it easy to navigate to, through and around the station?

yes. sometimes it is easier to not have a welcome mat as this can slow things down or get in the way. It can be an obstacle instead of ‘welcoming’ as one size does not fit all.

What else would make you feel welcome and safe at the station and on the platform?

If ALL the stations had accessible toilets as it is discrimination. Too much space means people can loiter - it can have an affect on passengers.

What does being safe in the station environment mean to you?

• Good visibility and line of sight

• Good lighting

• Staffed stations

• Help points

• Welcoming waiting spaces


• added security esp at quiet times.

Do you think the station environment appear as a welcoming space where you would be happy to spend time?


How well do you feel the design accommodates the needs of people who may prefer quietness and a calmer space away from others?


Do you think the welcome mat and approach to parking is positive?

Sometimes it could not work well for those with mobility issues.

Is the welcome mat a space where you would meet other people and spend time, whether catching a train or not?


What other inclusion and access feedback and ideas and suggestions do you have for HUB?

The clock - will it be digital, analogue or both ? Will there be any tactile paving? The sales of train cards give an indication of the kind of groups of people that use trains - thus indicating the noise level etc, their access requirements. I like the simplicity & consistency of the proposed design but not sure if disability groups were consulted as they do not drive therefore use trains heavily.

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Mostly positive

over 2 years ago


Do you think this is a strong response to addressing the inclusion and accessibility feedback?


How confident are you that HUB is an accessible and inclusive environment, providing for a diversity of people and their needs?


Do you think the design makes it easy to navigate to, through and around the station?

Yes, but you will be in the cold and wet buying a ticket at the booking office in winter

What else would make you feel welcome and safe at the station and on the platform?

Platform seats look too low for the aged. Height of seat should be same as on a train. Waiting pod should have greater capacity. facility for wheelchair users. Travellers with luggage. Covered waiting accommodation for those waiting for a taxi/ bus for their onward journey after arriving at the station by train. design does not deliver Key Priority #7. On page 15 of update, "prompting" sustainable movement is a cop out. Priority #7 promised "integrated cross modal transport". This design does not achieve that. waiti fo.

What does being safe in the station environment mean to you?

• Good lighting

• Good visibility and line of sight


• Welcoming waiting spaces

• Staffed stations

Do you think the station environment appear as a welcoming space where you would be happy to spend time?


How well do you feel the design accommodates the needs of people who may prefer quietness and a calmer space away from others?


Do you think the welcome mat and approach to parking is positive?

Parking provision immediately outside the station entrance should not be the priority. You should be encouraging use of cross modal transport, and walking and cycling to the station, drop off bays (for those arriving by bus, taxi and private car). Equivalent provision for those having arrived at the station by train, to complete the final leg of their journey.

Is the welcome mat a space where you would meet other people and spend time, whether catching a train or not?


What other inclusion and access feedback and ideas and suggestions do you have for HUB?

Outside of the ticket barrier, there is no provision for people waiting for a taxi/ bus etc. I suggest a large pod for a café, that straddles both the platform and the space outside the station. Install two serving counters across the pod (gap in middle for those serving, coffee machine etc.) so as to separate those entering from the platform side from those entering from the space outside the station. Should be large enough to also be a waiting area with small tables. A separate small pod alongside, for the kitchen/ food preparation. CCTV outside the station to discourage crime, vandalism and anti-social behaviour. Bus information displays. Covered area/ pod waiting area outside of station. Stations are natural transport hubs. If you don't deliver a comfortable HUB interface, the whole door-to-door journey will be made by car.

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over 2 years ago


Do you think the station environment appear as a welcoming space where you would be happy to spend time?


What other inclusion and access feedback and ideas and suggestions do you have for HUB?

Do the toilets include a 'changing place' design for older children and adults who need an adult sized changing table & room, and does this include shower facilities. Every station should include one of these and one disabled toilet. Disabled toilets should be labelled for everyone, including wheelchair users to use. How would you stop these stations from becoming the local hub for drug addicts or for the homeless? Or is it best to address these issues at government funding level with more money for health care and homelessness.

What else would make you feel welcome and safe at the station and on the platform?

No mention of level, step free boarding of trains. You seem to have missed the main purpose of a station, to get on and off a train. All new stations must be built with level access to get on and off a train without the guard going to find a ramp. All station must therefore be built on a straight bit of track too. See new trains in East Anglia for how this works.

How well do you feel the design accommodates the needs of people who may prefer quietness and a calmer space away from others?


How confident are you that HUB is an accessible and inclusive environment, providing for a diversity of people and their needs?


Is the welcome mat a space where you would meet other people and spend time, whether catching a train or not?


Do you think this is a strong response to addressing the inclusion and accessibility feedback?

Not at all

Do you think the design makes it easy to navigate to, through and around the station?

Yes, but I can't see much difference from a traditional station.

What does being safe in the station environment mean to you?

• Staffed stations

Do you think the welcome mat and approach to parking is positive?

Yes if separated cycle route is provided to encourage getting off at the matt edge. A separated cycle route would need to start / end at the ticket barrier and at cycle parking, perhaps traveling behind the shop units.

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over 2 years ago


How confident are you that HUB is an accessible and inclusive environment, providing for a diversity of people and their needs?


Do you think this is a strong response to addressing the inclusion and accessibility feedback?


Do you think the design makes it easy to navigate to, through and around the station?

It looks fairly accessible but doesn't say anything about getting on and off trains

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Mostly negative

over 2 years ago


Do you think the station environment appear as a welcoming space where you would be happy to spend time?


What other inclusion and access feedback and ideas and suggestions do you have for HUB?

The shelter should cover entire platform.

What else would make you feel welcome and safe at the station and on the platform?

CCTV and staff on site.

How well do you feel the design accommodates the needs of people who may prefer quietness and a calmer space away from others?


How confident are you that HUB is an accessible and inclusive environment, providing for a diversity of people and their needs?


Do you think this is a strong response to addressing the inclusion and accessibility feedback?


Do you think the design makes it easy to navigate to, through and around the station?

You have benchmarks but no benches.

What does being safe in the station environment mean to you?

• Staffed stations


• Help points

Do you think the welcome mat and approach to parking is positive?

What about people with poor mobility. They have along walk from a taxi.

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